Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Titles and Tribulations

Thanks, it took me a little bit. I went through a couple ideas before that one stuck. So, this past Friday, we had a PÜN event for Danny who went through a process of liberation over the past week and has now come out of the event as Jorge, one of our newest PÜN members. The rest of the week was spent recovering from the epic night that was Friday...

Friday night started off somewhat late, around 11PM, when Frankie, Rev. Snozberries, Chris, Meg and Craig went to go 'kidnap' Danny (Jorge). This left Jacob and I to sit and wonder how the five of them were going to logically kidnap Danny in the 'Old School' style. I sat and played Dynasty Warriors 3, which is utterly boring and confusing, while Jacob watched and we both mused at the repetitive nature of my button-mashing.

After about 10 minutes, I died and turned off the PS2 just as the 'kidnappers' were returning with their 'hostage'. Apparently the heist didn't go too well and Rev. Snozberries botched the blindfold and nearly fell off the back of Chris' van along with Craig, all the while driving the whole round-trip with the headlights completely off. (Best way to not look suspicious, drive without headlights around 11 at night.)

We all had the opening shot and gave some good speeches, I was being quite a douchebag most of the evening by ripping on people and spewing nonsense while the rest of us talked. Frankie actually prepared a speech about Danny's Penis and how it had just gotten out of jail, I don't know if it's out on parole or out for good behavior. Anyway, the rest of the night was devoted to King's Cup.

The first game went through pretty quietly and quickly, not much happened if I remember right, but I do know that Danny was pretty trashed by the time we finished that game. The second game, however, took what felt like an eternity... Mostly due to people having to use the bathroom (read. Chris' front yard) and various other things. During the game, Chris drew two Jacks and made the second rule that the person to draw the last king had to go streak from Chris' house to Danny's house and back with two other people of their choosing.

With karma definitely not on his side for thinking of this rule, Frankie drew the last king and took Danny and Chris streaking with him. I honestly couldn't say how far they went because I was at Del Taco the whole time getting some food for various people... But it seems like they definitely went for a brisk streak at around 2AM.

After I returned with the Del Taco, we put on Swingers and eventually I left around 3:30 because I had to be at work around 10 and we were all really tired.

The moral of the story is... Don't make a rule that can affect yourself in King's Cup.

-Transcribed by Matt aka DP

Note: Anyone that wants to amend the story feel free to do it in the comments, because I started to get tired after drinking those two rockstars... But they were DELICIOUS!

PS: Were those wallabies in your pictures?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Danny drew the last King, and picked Chris and I, first off...Second, thats a crappy moral because I was more than willing/happy to go streaking, so my rule definitely accomplished what I wanted it to...and Third, you're a douche :) especially when you drink Rockstar